DIY Photography Light Box

DIY Photography Light Box

DIY Photography Light Box

We spent $9.00 to make this DIY 16″ x 16″ x 16″ photography light box and about 30 minutes to make it. The cheapest 16″ photography light box on Amazon is going for $27.99.

Time needed: 30 minutes.

How to Make a Photography Light Box

  1. Gather Your Materials

    1 Cardboard Box. 16x16x16
    2 Sheets of Poster Board
    3 Sheets of Plastic Poster Board
    1 Shart Utility Knife
    Hot Glue Gun
    Supplies and materials for your photography light box

  2. Measure and Cut Box

    Measure and mark 1.5 inches in on all for sides of your box.
    Repeat until you have 3 sides and the top of the box marked.
    Cut the box along the lines until you have all for panels removed.Cut out 4 of the 6 sides of the box

  3. Line the Inside with Poster Board

    Measure and cut your poster board.
    Line the inside with white poster board and use hot glue to attach it.Line the inside with white poster board

  4. Measure and Cut Plastic Poster Board

    Measure the plastic poster board to cover 3 of the 4 holes in the box you cut.
    Use your hot glue gun to attach the 3 panels.DIY Photography Light Box

That is it and now you are ready to use your new photography light box. You will need 3 lights for your box. Use as high a wattage that you can find. Old fashion incandescent lights will produce extreme heat so be careful not to melt your plastic screens if you go that route. I suggest led lights as they are low heat.

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